2024 Legislative Policies



More Renewable Energy, More Clean Transportation Choices, More Local Food, More Freshwater Resources

Why We Invested

Ulupono Initiative advocates for bills and measures at the county and state levels to support locally produced food, renewable energy, clean transportation choices and fresh water.

At the 2024 State Legislature, we have focused on the following priority bills:


SB 2518, State Policy to Support Geothermal Exploration 
This measure requires and appropriates funding to the Hawaii State Energy Office to conduct an environmental assessment statewide and then administer a geothermal resources characterization program. The program will be under the direction of the Hawaii Groundwater and Geothermal Resource Center at the University of Hawaii.


HB 2614, State Policy to Streamline Permitting for Residential Photovoltaics
This bill would require government entities that issue building permits to implement an online permitting platform by Jan. 1, 2025, that verifies code compliance, and issues permits to licensed contractors for solar distributed energy resource systems. The entities are also required to develop a self-certification process for those systems that are not compatible with the online permitting platform.


Clean Transportation Choices

HB 1829, State Policy for New State Buildings to be EV Ready
This bill requires all new state building construction parking to include at least 25% of electric vehicle charger-ready stalls. It also mandates that the state offices conduct a survey to identify high-priority state facilities and establishes a goal for the state to retrofit state facilities to be electric vehicle charger-ready. A report to the Legislature will be required.


SB 3021, E-mobility
This bill renames the Electric Bicycle and Electric Moped Rebate Program the Electric Mobility Rebate Program. It expands the eligibility criteria and amends maximum rebate amounts.


Locally Produced Food

HB 2771SNAP DA BUX Double Up Food Bucks Program

This bill appropriates funds for the continued administration of the Hawaiʻi Healthy Food Incentive Program and to provide matching funds to beneficiaries who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.


HB 2134, Hawaiʻi Department of Agriculture Grant Writers

This bill appropriates funds to establish grant specialist positions within the Department of Agriculture.


SB 2814, Ag Irrigation Infrastructure

This bill directs the Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Agribusiness Development Corporation and the counties, to conduct an agricultural water infrastructure study for the State of Hawaiʻi. 


Fresh Water

HB 2453 and SB 3142, Hawaiʻi Department of Health Revolving Fund Flexibility

This bill authorizes the Governor, or a state official with authorization from the Governor, to transfer federal capitalization grant funds between the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund and the Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Loan Fund, in accordance with Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations section 35.3530(c). 


HB 1900, Commission on Water Resource Management Hydrologic Data Collection

This bill appropriates funds to improve the State's water resource management and hydrologic data collection.