Our Team
Pierre Omidyar
Founder & Former Board Member

Ulupono Vision: Strive to improve the quality of life for the people of Hawai‘i by working toward sustainable solutions that support and promote locally produced food, renewable energy, clean transportation, and better management of freshwater resources."
An early internet pioneer, Pierre founded eBay in 1995, transforming the way people thought about trust. Improving systems and challenging what’s possible continues to drive Pierre’s work and inspire the diverse collection of organizations, initiatives, and ventures of The Omidyar Group. As a philanthropist, Pierre has forged a distinct path, creating new models and methods of giving through innovation and experimentation. The Omidyar Group’s continuous exploration of ideas that set change in motion is inspired by Pierre’s curiosity and drive to discover new and sometimes unconventional solutions. As founding members of the Giving Pledge, Pierre and Pam have, to date, given more than $3 billion in their pursuit of improving the lives of people and societies around the world.